What Kinds of Things Can Reside in Your Air Ducts?

For most people the saying “out of sight, out of mind” is generally true, especially when it comes to all the pipes, wires, insulation and air ducts running behind their walls, under their floors and above their ceilings. However, when it comes to your air ducts, what you don’t know (or see) can hurt you. Why is that? It’s because there are a lot of nasty things that can be inside your air ducts at any given time.

Of course, dust and dirt and pollen and other common airborne debris end up inside your air ducts all the time. However, there are several other pollutants that can often be found inside your ducts, as well. The things that you should really be worried about inside your ducts are often the things you can’t see.

Some of those things include mold, bacteria, dust mites, mildew, and insects. Sometimes even small rodents can get inside your ducts. That’s why it’s so important for you to get your air ducts cleaned at least once every two years. Anyone with any of those things in their ducts could experience unhealthy conditions in their homes.

What’s more, if left untreated these problems tend to just get worse. They can end up causing serious damage as well as terrible health problems. Therefore, if you don’t know the last time your air ducts were cleaned, then you need to contact an experienced air duct cleaning company as soon as possible. Click here for a trusted company in Portland or Vancouver.

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