Don’t Forget to Check Your Dryer Vent This Fall

You can definitely tell that fall is in the air. The crisp air and falling leaves are sure signs that summer has ended. So have you already started getting out your cold-weather gear for the upcoming seasons?

Fall means thick sweaters, big coats, and sweatshirts. It also means more blankets and in many cases, warmer, flannel sheets. All of those things are great to have to help keep you warm on those cold winter days and nights.

But they also can be a big problem for your dryer. Bigger, thicker, clothing means more lint in your dryer vent. And more lint in your dryer vent means possible clogs, which could lead to a dryer vent fire.

Unfortunately, dryer vent fires are a real risk and they happen to thousands of people every year.

But fortunately, they can be easily prevented with basic dryer vent cleaning service.

Getting your dryer vent cleaned is a simple job for an experienced company, and it’s a very affordable service. It’s also a small price to pay to make sure your home and family are safe from a dryer vent fire.

Don’t put your home or family at risk of a dryer vent fire. If you don’t know the last time your dryer vent was cleaned, then make an appointment to have this important service done now.