What Does a $35 Duct Cleaning Really Get You?

The old saying goes: “you get what you pay for” in most cases in life that is completely true. While it’s always nice to save a few dollars, especially on services to your home or car, the fact is, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. The same is true for air duct cleaning. If you choose to go with a cut-rate price, then you are going to get a cut-rate job. In fact, in many cases, when you sign up for the $35 or $99 special, you’re bill is going to end up a lot higher than that when the service is done.

Don’t be fooled by those so-called special deals that claim to be less than $100. They are just scams and the final bill will always be higher. The $35 fee is merely a way to get the shady company in the door. Once inside, companies that advertise these deals start looking for ways to charge you more money. Most of the time, they find things that don’t really need to be done, or they claim to have performed services that they really didn’t do.

You should stay away from any duct cleaning service that offers one of these $35 or $99 specials. They simply aren’t valid. If you need help finding a qualified and experienced air duct cleaning company in the Portland and Vancouver area, then click here to learn more.

Top Air Duct Cleaning Tips

Have you noticed a lot more coughing, sneezing and runny noses lately? Sure allergy season is upon us, but what about when you’re inside; are you still having the same symptoms? Dealing with allergies is a real pain for anyone who has them, but when you don’t get a break from the symptoms even while you’re inside they can be especially hard to live with.

One of the problems people with allergies have, but that they are often unaware of, is the fact that they are living with dirty ducts. So what should you do if you are living with dirty air ducts? According to many experts, it’s a good idea to get your air ducts cleaned every three to five years. This can help cut down on the mold, mildew, dust and other debris that builds up in your air ducts.

Air ducts are easy to overlook but over time the filth can add up. So the first thing you should do if you don’t know the last time your ducts were cleaned is to contact an air duct cleaning company to have them checked out. If they do need to be cleaned, this service can make a big difference in your home and with your allergy symptoms.

After you’ve had you ducts cleaned, it’s a really good idea to clean or change your filters regularly. Another thing to keep your eye on are the registers and intake vents. Keeping these clean will also help. If you need a reputable air duct cleaning company to visit your Portland or Vancouver area home, then click here.

Get the Most Out of Your Air Conditioner

Is it really possible that summer is almost here? The kids will soon be out of school, the days are longer and the sun is out in full force. That also means that air conditioners will soon be running at full force as well. Air conditioners are indispensible when the summer heat hits and the thermometers begin to rise. Some of those hot summer nights would simply be unbearable without cool air being pumped into your home via your air conditioning unit.

The downside to all those air conditioners always blowing is that they use a lot of energy. That can mean a larger electric bill during the summer months. While it’s almost impossible to not see your bill go up at least a little during the summer, there are some measures you can take to keep your AC unit running more efficiently and keep your electric bill down.

You can start with a programmable thermostat, which can help you save as much as 10 percent a year for both your heating and your cooling. Using ceiling fans to circulate the cool air is also another way to use your AC unit a little less. Besides the AC unit, there are other measures to take that will make a big difference, including proper insulation and keeping your air ducts cleaned and sealed.

By keeping your air ducts clean and free of debris, the cool air from your AC unit is able to travel through your ducts and throughout your home more easily. This can help your system work less and save you money. If you haven’t had your air ducts cleaned in a few years, then you should contact an experienced air duct cleaning company in Vancouver and get them cleaned. With cleaner air ducts you will almost certainly notice a better running AC unit. Click here to learn more.