What Kinds of Things Can Reside in Your Air Ducts?

For most people the saying “out of sight, out of mind” is generally true, especially when it comes to all the pipes, wires, insulation and air ducts running behind their walls, under their floors and above their ceilings. However, when it comes to your air ducts, what you don’t know (or see) can hurt you. Why is that? It’s because there are a lot of nasty things that can be inside your air ducts at any given time.

Of course, dust and dirt and pollen and other common airborne debris end up inside your air ducts all the time. However, there are several other pollutants that can often be found inside your ducts, as well. The things that you should really be worried about inside your ducts are often the things you can’t see.

Some of those things include mold, bacteria, dust mites, mildew, and insects. Sometimes even small rodents can get inside your ducts. That’s why it’s so important for you to get your air ducts cleaned at least once every two years. Anyone with any of those things in their ducts could experience unhealthy conditions in their homes.

What’s more, if left untreated these problems tend to just get worse. They can end up causing serious damage as well as terrible health problems. Therefore, if you don’t know the last time your air ducts were cleaned, then you need to contact an experienced air duct cleaning company as soon as possible. Click here for a trusted company in Portland or Vancouver.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Your Air Ducts Sealed?

If you’re reading this then you’ve probably started to consider whether or not you should get your air ducts cleaned. Another service you might be interested in having is getting your air ducts sealed. If you have leaks or cracks in your ducts then chances are your ducts will be getting dirty more often and that dirt and dust will build up faster. When you get your air ducts cleaned make sure that the company you hire checks your ducts for leaks and if necessary seal any leaks they find.

There are several good reasons to get your air ducts sealed. For starters, when you get your ducts sealed you will likely find the air temperature in your home or office to be more comfortable. Not only do leaks allow dirty air inside, but also they allow clean air to escape, including hot air in the winter and cool air in the summer.

Sealing your ducts will improve your indoor air quality as well. Fumes, germs, pollen and other things that spread through the air will be shut out of entering through your ducts. This will help decrease asthma and allergy symptoms for those who live in or visit your home or business. You can also keep other harmful substances, like carbon monoxide, chemicals and other fumes from entering your home through your ducts.

Having your ducts sealed will also save you money because you won’t be losing any air from cracks and leaks, which means your HVAC system wont have to overwork. Lastly, you can help the environment by spending less energy because your ducts are properly sealed. Click here to contact a qualified air duct cleaning and sealing company in the Portland and Vancouver area.

Will My Furniture and Floors Be Safe While My Ducts Are Cleaned?

We all love our homes and most of us at least try to treat them with tender loving care in order to keep them in tip-top shape. However, as with all things, our homes can get worn down and things end up getting broken from time to time. That means we have to make service calls to get things repaired. While repairs are necessary no one enjoys it when a company shows up and doesn’t give the proper respect or care while working at or in their home.

When you get your air ducts cleaned the air duct cleaning company you hire will have to enter your home if they are going to do the job right. Many people wonder how clean the process will be and others wonder if their floors and furniture will be protected as well. A reliable and experienced company will make sure that their crewmembers take every measure to keep things in order, including protecting your furniture from being broken or mishandled.

Likewise, a trustworthy air duct cleaning company will also keep your floors from being scratched by wearing protective footwear when entering your house and laying down the proper coverings where necessary, including corner guards for your walls. When you hire the right air duct cleaning company in Vancouver or Portland you can be sure that your furniture, floors and walls will all be taken of throughout the process.