Getting Your HVAC System Ready for the Cold

It’s that time again. Fall is here and winter is just around the corner, so have you taken the time to check your HVAC system? There’s no better time than the present to make sure your system is ready for the long cold winter ahead. There are several things you can do to get it in tiptop shape.

First off, give your HVAC s good once-over to make sure that it is sitting on its foundation properly. Also make sure that it is free of debris likes leaves or branches. Next up, check your filters. Some can be cleaned and others have to be replaced. Whichever kind your system uses make sure they are not clogged and working smoothly.

You should also test your thermostat to ensure it’s working properly so your system is not overworking. Your insulation should also be checked to ensure that the warm air is staying where you want it. It’s also a good time to clean your air vents and vacuum your furnace blower.

Lastly, make sure you get your air ducts cleaned. This will help ensure that your system doesn’t have to work harder than it should. When your ducts are clean and free of built up dust and debris the air is not only cleaner but your system runs much more efficiently. This will make a huge difference in your energy bill. For quality air duct cleaning in the Vancouver and Portland areas, click here.

This Tip Could Help Prevent You From Being Scammed

Scammers are everywhere and they will stop at nothing to trick you into giving them your money. These people are thieves and they don’t care who they hurt with their scams. Whether it’s people posing as the IRS to steal your tax refund and your identity, or a shady contractor that takes your money without completing the work, they are all out to get something for nothing.

Unfortunately, there are several phony air duct-cleaning companies as well. These companies will do everything they can to cheat you out of your heard earned money. One of their biggest tricks is to send you a coupon in the mail, which offers air duct cleaning at a bargain price. The problem is when they come to your home they invent other problems and you end up with a bill over $2,000 instead of $99.

So what can you do to protect yourself from a scam? Number one, never believe any of those coupons that offer cut-rate air duct cleaning. A good air duct cleaning from a reputable company will be at least several hundred dollars, and if your home is larger it will be more. Therefore, if it sounds to good to be true it is. One more thing to keep in mind, if the company shows up and tells you that you have a mold problem and then tries to jack up the price it is also running a scam.

Don’t be the victim of a scam. Click here for an air duct cleaning company with integrity that you can trust in the Vancouver and Portland area.