When Should I get my Air Ducts Cleaned?

Another new year has started, which means people are busy with all kinds of things, including goals and resolutions. Now is also a good time in the Vancouver-Portland area to think about important maintenance around your home. We still have a long way to go before spring-cleaning starts, but there are some things you can do to keep your home warm and efficient this winter.

For example, getting your air ducts cleaned is a good idea at this time of year. Many people wonder when the best time is for cleaning air ducts. The truth is, there is no bad time of year to get your ducts cleaned.

As a general rule, if you haven’t had them cleaned for two the three years, then it might be time to get them cleaned again. Additionally, if you don’t know the last time they were cleaned, then make an appointment soon.

According to the EPA, you should get your air ducts cleaned as needed. So, if you notice any mildew, mold, excessive dust, debris, or any pests in the ducts, get them cleaned. Furthermore, if you, or someone living in your home, suffer from allergies, you might want to have them cleaned more often.

Air duct cleaning is an essential part of caring for your home. It helps keep the air you breathe cleaner and your HVAC system running smoothly.

If you’re looking to get your air ducts cleaned then now is a good time to contact an experienced air duct cleaning company in Vancouver WA to get them cleaned right. Click here to learn more.