Are Your Air Ducts Costing You Money This Fall and Winter?

The cold and wet season is now in full swing here in the great Pacific Northwest. That means your furnace is probably working overtime to help make sure you stay cozy and warm inside your home. There are a lot of steps to take when you are preparing your home for the cold, not the least of which is to get your furnace serviced. However, a big part of your furnace’s efficiency is determined by how well that warm air can move through your vents and reach every room in your home.

That means your air ducts need to be clean and clear from dust, dirt, debris and other pollutants that can pile up inside and block your airways. This is an often-overlooked aspect of preparing your home for the cold weather. Another key to keeping your duct system running smoothly is to make sure that is completely and properly sealed. You should check ductwork for holes or leaks and if you find any then make sure you or a company you trust repairs the holes and seals any leaks.

Winter weather can cause people to lose a lot of extra money if they don’t properly prepare. So take the time to winterize your home now before it’s too late. That includes getting your air ducts cleaned and sealed. If you need help with these tasks then click here to learn more about a company that can help.

Top Questions About Air Duct Cleaning

When it comes to any service in your home, people usually have a lot of questions. It’s no different when getting your air ducts cleaned. Air duct cleaning companies get many different questions in regards to a lot of different topics; from how long will take to clean my air ducts to how much will it cost. However, the three most common questions air duct cleaning companies usually hear are:

  • What is air duct cleaning?
  • How often do my air ducts need to be cleaned?
  • What exactly takes place when my air ducts get cleaned?

First, air duct cleaning is the process of thoroughly cleaning your air ducts with the right equipment so that any dust, debris and other dirty materials are completely removed from your ducts.

Second, it’s important to get your air ducts cleaned regularly. Of course, that does not mean every six months or even every year or two. In most situations, getting your ducts cleaned every three to five years is a safe way to go. However, there are some cases when duct cleaning is needed a little more often. You can ask an air duct cleaning company in Portland what factors lead to more frequent cleaning.

Lastly, when you get your air ducts cleaned a qualified duct cleaning company will use the necessary tools to completely loosen all the debris and vacuum it from your ducts. Whatever necessary means it takes, an honest air duct cleaning company will take care of it right. Click here to contact a qualified air duct cleaning company in Vancouver, WA.