Help Keep Your Home Cool With Clean Air Ducts

The mercury is rising in the Northwest and many homes in the Portland and Vancouver area are starting to feel the heat. Those residents who are lucky enough to have air conditioning in their homes or places of business know how good it feels to escape the blistering heat outside by stepping into a cool, comfortable air conditioned room inside.

However, what happens when a normally comfortable home or place of business suddenly starts to lose its cool? Or, worse yet, what happens when you get your bill and notice that it is much higher than normal? There are several things that you can do to keep your air conditioner working properly so that it runs smoothly and does not cost you any more than it should.

One of those things might not be so obvious but it can make a big difference. Getting your air ducts cleaned and also making sure that they are sealed properly can make a huge difference in airflow. Proper airflow is vital to a smooth and efficient air conditioning unit.

So if you have an air conditioner, make sure your air ducts are clean and be sure to check for holes or separated joints in order to keep your cool air where you want it; inside your home or office.

Need Your Dryer Vent Cleaned? Leave it to the Professionals

When was the last time you cleaned your gutters? How about the last time you serviced your furnace? Have you had your air ducts cleaned lately? What about your dryer vent, have you cleaned that in a while? All of these kinds of jobs are things that need to be done regularly but they are chores that we tend to overlook or put off.

You can do most of these jobs yourself, including cleaning your dryer vent, but that doesn’t mean you will ever get around to it. There are several steps to cleaning a dryer vent. In fact, according to some online “how to” guides there are 14 different things from start to finish that you need to do to clean your dryer vent. Of course, you could take the time and effort to do it yourself, but there is another way.

Cleaning a dryer vent can be a big job, but there are a lot of companies who clean dryer vents for a living, including many air duct-cleaning companies. These companies are professionals and they know what they are doing. If you need your dryer vent cleaned, contact a professional in Vancouver/Portland. Save yourself a lot of time and headache and make sure you get the job done right.