Could Dryer Vent Fire Damage Your Home?

Winter is almost over, but not quite. And around here, winter weather usually lasts well into spring. So that means people are still using their bulky sweaters, warm blankets, and flannel sheets regularly in the Vancouver-Portland area.

That also means your washer and dryer will be getting more work than normal. But with all those heavy clothing items comes a little known risk, as well.

All that warm, heavy clothing puts a lot of strain on your dryer vent, which means the risk of a dryer vent fire is a lot higher this time of year. Even if you take the time to clean your lint trap often, that still might not be enough.

That’s why making an appointment for a professional dryer vent cleaning by an experienced company is so important.

When lint builds in your dryer vent it can actually start a fire. That means you could end up losing your entire home, or even worse. But you can avoid this kind of tragedy by getting your dryer vent cleaned once a year.

And with all that extra heavy clothing in your laundry the last few months, now is the perfect time to get your dryer vent cleaned.

You can contact a professional dryer vent cleaning company in Vancouver and Portland by clicking here.