Should I Get a Visual Inspection When the Work is Complete?

Are you considering getting your air ducts cleaned but you’re still al little leery from all the negative stories you might have heard? Unfortunately, there are several bogus air duct-cleaning companies out there that are just trying to rip good people off. On the other hand, there are other honest and hard-working companies that truly do what they advertise.

So how do you know if the company you have hired is trustworthy? Some companies seem totally legitimate throughout the process only to sting you in the end. So how can you be sure that the company you hire has really done the job they claim to have done? The key is in the evidence. A reliable air duct cleaning company will show you the results. With either photographic or video evidence you can be sure that you are getting the services promised.

When you get your ducts cleaned ask the company you hire to show you evidence of what your ducts look like before they start the job. Then, when the job is complete, ask them to show you evidence of what your ducts look like after. You can even see all the debris that has been pulled out of your ducts after the work is complete. With that kind of evidence you can rest assured that your ducts have truly been cleaned and that you are paying for a job well done.

If you are looking for the kind of air duct cleaning company in Vancouver or Portland that does the job right, then please click here to learn more.

Will Clean Air Ducts Help Your Furnace?

The winter has already hit the great northwest with a lot of force this year. From freezing temperatures, to snow and ice and of course plenty of wind and rain, the Vancouver and Portland areas have had their share of old man winter. However, there’s still at least another month to go of winter weather, which means your furnace still has some work to do before it turns over the bulk of the HVAC work in your home to your air conditioner.

That means it’s important to keep your furnace happy. To do that you need to have regular maintenance done. This will ensure that your furnace is functioning properly and efficiently. That will help keep our energy bill lower, which will make you happier. Besides regular service from a qualified HVAC company, you can do a few other things to help keep your furnace running at its best, including cleaning your air ducts.

If you haven’t had your ducts cleaned lately then now is a good time to get that done. Your furnace has already been working hard and as mentioned it still has some work to do this year. When you clean your air ducts the air is able to move throughout your ductwork and into your home with greater ease, which means your furnace doesn’t have to work as hard.

Therefore, you should contact an experienced air duct cleaning company in Vancouver and Portland to get this important service done as soon as you can. Click here to learn more.

How Can I Be Sure My Ducts Really Need to Be Cleaned?

Do you know someone that had his or her air ducts cleaned recently? Have you spoken with an air duct cleaning company about your ducts? Perhaps a company has knocked on your door offering these services. Chances are if you have discussed your air ducts with someone else lately then you are already wondering if your air ducts need to be cleaned. Of course, any air duct cleaning company will tell you that it’s a good idea to get your air ducts cleaned, but how do you know for sure if your ducts really need it?

These are some of the things you can consider in order to know if your ducts really need the work.

  • Have you noticed that the people living in your home have been suffering from more allergy or cold-like symptoms than usual?
  • Have you noticed more dust on your furniture?
  • Are there any unusual fowl smells coming from your vents?
  • Have you noticed any visible contaminants in your ductwork?
  • Have you had any testing to confirm whether or not these contaminants are harmful?
  • Will cleaning your ducts actually rid you of the problem?
  • Is duct cleaning the only solution to resolve the problem?

These are just a few of the questions to consider if you are trying to determine if your air ducts need be cleaned. However, as a general rule, if you don’t know the last time your Vancouver or Portland air ducts were cleaned, then you should probably contact a reputable air duct cleaning company and get an estimate.