How to Limit Allergen Levels Inside Your Home

Allergens are everywhere. You can’t avoid them. And it’s impossible to completely eliminate them. But you can reduce them in your Vancouver or Portland area home. And that means fewer negative effects.

When the allergy season is in full swing many people just stay indoors. But there are several other allergens that can still bother you when you’re inside.

One way to reduce allergens in your home is to clean it regularly. But the best way to reduce indoor allergens is by removing their sources. That includes carpets, pets, upholstered furniture, stuffed toys, and drapes and curtains.

Allergens can really build up in these and other spots. When they do, every time these items get disturbed, those allergens get pushed all over your home.

So how can you control all of these allergens? Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Keep dust mites at a minimum– cleaning your home regularly and avoiding clutter will help reduce dust mites and their negative effects.
  • Vacuum regularly– you should vacuum often and use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. These filters actually catch and trap allergens and dust. They don’t recirculate them throughout your home.
  • Keeps doors and windows shut–you can reduce the amount of dust and pollen that enter your home by keeping your windows and doors shut.
  • Clean Your Air Ducts– no amount of dusting and cleaning can rid your home of all dust and pollen completely. That’s because these things build up in your air ducts. But you can greatly reduce the amount of dust and other allergens in your entire home by having a professional air duct cleaner clean your air ducts.

If you need your air ducts cleaned, click here to make an appointment with a trusted air duct cleaning company in Vancouver/Portland.

How Do Air Ducts Get So Filthy?

If you’ve ever heard of others getting their air ducts cleaned then maybe you’ve wondered if that is something you should do, as well. Some argue that cleaning your air ducts isn’t necessary, while others swear by the service. In any case, air ducts do indeed get dirty and it’s important to clean them out.

So if you’re not sure about air duct cleaning, you probably wonder just how air ducts get dirty in the first place. There are actually several ways for your air ducts to get filthy. Here are just a few of the ways air ducts can go south. All of the following items can easily end up in your air ducts simply by traveling through the air:

  • Dust
  • Dander
  • Pollen
  • Chemicals
  • Mold
  • Smoke

In addition to these contaminants, you could also find rodents or birds, or insects living in your ductwork, which can also cause a real mess. Now imagine all of these things spreading through your home every tie your HVAC system is operating. It’s not a pleasant thought.

Thankfully, there is a safe and effective method for getting your air ducts cleaned. Just contact a reliable air duct cleaning company in Portland or Vancouver today to get cleaner air in no time. Just click here.

Top Reasons Air Duct Cleaning Is Worth the Money

Are you looking into getting your air ducts cleaned by a professional duct cleaning company in the Vancouver/Portland area? You probably have some questions about this process and you might even be wondering if cleaning your air ducts is really worth the money. There are of course arguments on both sides of the question, but let’s look at some of the top reasons people get their ducts cleaned.

You will breathe cleaner air – no one wants to spend the day breathing pollutants and allergens. However, our homes and our ductwork are full of these things. By cleaning your ductwork you will eliminate the amount of dust, pollens, allergens and other debris circulating in your home.

You won’t have to dust as much – who likes the tedious chore of dusting? The answer is no one. When you have your air ducts cleaned you won’t have to spend as much time dusting your home because there will be less dust.

You’ll save money – when your air ducts are clean your HVAC system works more efficiently and effectively, meaning it works less. That equates to a smaller energy bill and more money for you to spend elsewhere.

You’ll feel healthier – many people who have their ducts cleaned report feeling healthier because they are breathing cleaner air with fewer harmful substances. Cold and allergy symptoms often improve with air duct cleaning.

So, if you add it all up, there are several worthwhile advantages of getting your ducts cleaned. If you’re ready to have your air ducts cleaned contact a qualified air duct cleaning company in the Portland/Vancouver area today.

What Causes Mold to Enter My Air Ducts?

Your air ducts are a very important part of your home. Perhaps you don’t give them much thought and they probably don’t get much credit, but without properly functioning air ducts you’re likely to pay a higher energy bill, not to mention you’ll be living in an unclean environment. One of the worst pollutants that commonly ends up in your air ducts is mold.

Mold is terrible for your health and in some cases – black mold – it can even be deadly. If you have mold in you air ducts be sure to get them cleaned by a professional and experienced air duct cleaning company. So how does that nasty mold get into your ducts in the first place?

One reason you can get mold in your house is because of your AC unit. If you upgrade to a larger AC unit you might end up getting more humidity, which can lead to moisture in your ducts. If that moisture sits for too long mold can start to develop. In fact, any moisture that enters your ductwork via the attic, your AC registers, a leak in your ducts or by any other method can eventually lead to mold.

While most homes will not typically get mold in their air ducts, it is certainly a possibility. If you think you have mold then don’t wait around to address the problem, as mold will only get worse when untreated. Instead contact a trusted air duct cleaning company as soon as you can. Just click here.

Are Dirty Air Ducts Really Bad for My Health?

The debate is raging on. No, it’s not any kind of political debate; it’s whether or not air duct cleaning actually has any real health benefits. There are some reports that claim there is no scientific proof that cleaning your air ducts will improve your health. There are many other people however who have had their air ducts cleaned and experienced excellent benefits. So who is right?

In reality, although there may not be any scientific evidence that cleaning your air ducts will improve your health, there is no denying that the benefits of having cleaner air ducts are real. All you really have to do is consider the alternative.

Imagine air ducts full of dust, dirt, debris, mold, mildew and even bacteria. Now imagine your HVAC system pushing all of that built up muck through all your ductwork, and eventually throughout our entire home. Now imagine all of those nasty things spewing through your vents and into every room in your house. Who wants to breathe that all day, every day? Obviously, no one.

Therefore, whether you can scientifically prove that air duct cleaning is beneficial to a person’s health or not, really doesn’t matter. Obviously, you will be much better off if you are not living and breathing these kinds of filthy pollutants every day. Plus, as we mentioned before, many people with allergies and asthma have noticed significant improvement after getting their air ducts cleaned.

So, if you want to breathe cleaner, fresher air, then contact a reliable air duct cleaning company in the Portland/Vancouver area by clicking here.

What Should an Air Duct Cleaning Estimate Include?

If you’re looking for the right air duct cleaning company then you need to consider several important factors, and not just the cost. However, cost is always very important so what should you expect when you get an estimate. First off, never fall for one of those $99 coupons in the mail. They are never legitimate and in almost all cases those companies will try to charge you way more than the price stated on the coupon.

Second, any reputable air duct cleaning company will provide a free inspection and estimate before doing any work. That estimate should include a detailed list of the services that will be provided and the cost breakdown of each service. It should also include an estimated time frame for completing the work and you should be able to get the estimate in writing if you ask for it.

As for the price of your estimate, you should expect a bill of at least $300 for smaller homes and the price will likely go up from there. A legitimate estimate is based on the size of the job. So in other words, the larger the job the more expensive the service will be. Therefore, if you need to get your air ducts cleaned then make sure the company gives you a written estimate and that it includes a detailed plan of the entire process.

For a trusted air duct cleaning company in the Portland, Beaverton and Vancouver areas click here.

How Can I Be Sure My Ducts Really Need to Be Cleaned?

Do you know someone that had his or her air ducts cleaned recently? Have you spoken with an air duct cleaning company about your ducts? Perhaps a company has knocked on your door offering these services. Chances are if you have discussed your air ducts with someone else lately then you are already wondering if your air ducts need to be cleaned. Of course, any air duct cleaning company will tell you that it’s a good idea to get your air ducts cleaned, but how do you know for sure if your ducts really need it?

These are some of the things you can consider in order to know if your ducts really need the work.

  • Have you noticed that the people living in your home have been suffering from more allergy or cold-like symptoms than usual?
  • Have you noticed more dust on your furniture?
  • Are there any unusual fowl smells coming from your vents?
  • Have you noticed any visible contaminants in your ductwork?
  • Have you had any testing to confirm whether or not these contaminants are harmful?
  • Will cleaning your ducts actually rid you of the problem?
  • Is duct cleaning the only solution to resolve the problem?

These are just a few of the questions to consider if you are trying to determine if your air ducts need be cleaned. However, as a general rule, if you don’t know the last time your Vancouver or Portland air ducts were cleaned, then you should probably contact a reputable air duct cleaning company and get an estimate.

With Fall Officially Here Have You Checked Your Dryer Vent?

Fall has officially arrived and winter will be here before we know it. While we still don’t know exactly what kind of weather we’ll be getting over the next six months, chances are we won’t be seeing a lot of sunny and warm weather too much longer. With the cold and rain on their way now is a good time for people to start winterizing their homes for the months ahead.

There are all kinds of things people do to get ready for the cold, wind, rain, and sometimes even snow and ice, in the Portland and Vancouver areas. People make sure their water heater is working, that their furnace is ready to keep them warm and that their pipes are properly insulated. All of these are important steps to help make sure you stay warm and cozy during the next several months.

However, now is a good time to take care of another maintenance item in your home: cleaning your dryer vent. Dryer vents get ignored, but forgetting about them too long can be costly. Lint can build up over time in your vent and eventually too much lint can cause a fire. Of course, no one wants to deal with a dryer vent fire.

That’s why now is a great time to contact a professional dryer vent cleaning company to make sure your dryer is ready for all the extra big clothing and blankets you will no doubt be washing over the next several months. If you need help finding an experienced and trusted dryer vent cleaning company in the Portland or Vancouver area, then click here.

Steps for Controlling Dust and Other Allergens in the Home

Usually when people in the Portland/Vancouver area think of allergy season fall and winter are not what come to mind. However, just because pollen and other allergens are not as prevalent during this time of year, that doesn’t mean you can’t still be bothered by allergies. There are plenty of things inside your home that can lead to coughing, sneezing and congestion.

One of the biggest culprits is dust. Dust never stops, no matter what the calendar says. Plus, dust has a way of building up inside our homes and after a while that dust can become really bothersome to those who suffer from allergies. Even if you dust your home every day there are still places where these tiny particles build up and cause problems, including in your air ducts.

There are several things you can do to help control dust in your home. These are just a few of them:

  • Avoid attic or window fans, which only draw more allergens and dust into your home. Air conditioners are better when it comes to reducing dust and allergens.
  • Make sure the filters in your vacuum and elsewhere are high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters.
  • Stay away from upholstered furniture, thick carpet and heavy drapes where dust can build up.
  • Get your air ducts cleaned. Dust tends to build up year-round in your ducts, and that dust just recirculates throughout your home.

There’s no way to completely rid your environment of dust and other allergens, but by implementing some of these steps you can greatly reduce them. You can learn more about getting your air ducts cleaned by clicking here.

Have You Sanitized to the Anti-Microbial Level?

Have you looked around your home lately to take an honest inventory of how clean it really is? Of course, you probably dust and vacuum regularly, as well as clean your bathrooms, hardwood or tiles floors and even scrub your windows. However, although your home may appear to be clean, there are always places that could be cleaner.

One of the most commonly ignored places in most homes is your air duct system. Typically they are out of site and, therefore, out of mind. However, dirty air ducts can lead to all kinds of problems, including dust, mildew and even mold. One of the best ways to prevent these things from building up and causing you and your family health problems is by getting your air ducts cleaned.

However, you can take it one step further and add an anti-microbial sanitation to the job in order to really get things clean. Not only will your ducts be clean and free of debris, but also with an anti-microbial sanitation, you will be able to clean to the microbial level. That means you can kill the bacteria and spores that might be living in your ducts and not just mask their effects.

If you need your air ducts cleaned in Portland or Vancouver then you should also consider getting an anti-microbial sanitation service as well. Click here to learn more.