Are Dirty Air Ducts Really Bad for My Health?

The debate is raging on. No, it’s not any kind of political debate; it’s whether or not air duct cleaning actually has any real health benefits. There are some reports that claim there is no scientific proof that cleaning your air ducts will improve your health. There are many other people however who have had their air ducts cleaned and experienced excellent benefits. So who is right?

In reality, although there may not be any scientific evidence that cleaning your air ducts will improve your health, there is no denying that the benefits of having cleaner air ducts are real. All you really have to do is consider the alternative.

Imagine air ducts full of dust, dirt, debris, mold, mildew and even bacteria. Now imagine your HVAC system pushing all of that built up muck through all your ductwork, and eventually throughout our entire home. Now imagine all of those nasty things spewing through your vents and into every room in your house. Who wants to breathe that all day, every day? Obviously, no one.

Therefore, whether you can scientifically prove that air duct cleaning is beneficial to a person’s health or not, really doesn’t matter. Obviously, you will be much better off if you are not living and breathing these kinds of filthy pollutants every day. Plus, as we mentioned before, many people with allergies and asthma have noticed significant improvement after getting their air ducts cleaned.

So, if you want to breathe cleaner, fresher air, then contact a reliable air duct cleaning company in the Portland/Vancouver area by clicking here.

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