Hospital Operating Room Shut Down Due to Rusty Ducts

How bad can air ducts really be? Can they get so dirty that they can actually affect your health and your quality of life? The short answer is yes. Dirty air ducts can be the source of a lot of allergens and pollutants and those nasty things pass through your ducts and then throughout your home or office, leaving you breathing very dirty air. The negative affects are very real.

In fact, earlier this year, a hospital in Virginia had to shut down its operating rooms indefinitely after dangerous rust particles were found falling from the air ducts. The problem was first discovered in February at the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center. A few of the rooms were reopened temporarily but were shut down a short time later. All of the operating rooms were shut down in April.

This is just one example of dangerous debris passing through air ducts and then moving into a location where people are affected. Over time, air ducts get dirty and without regular maintenance and cleaning that debris builds up and makes a real mess. Not only is it dirty, but it can be harmful to your health. Getting your air ducts cleaned on a regular basis is a smart idea, not matter where you live or work. If you need your air ducts cleaned in the Vancouver or Portland area then contact an experienced air duct cleaning company.

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