Summer Energy Saving Tips

Summer is about halfway over already, but August usually brings some of the season’s hottest weather. That means air conditioning units will still be in full wing for the next several weeks keeping homes and businesses in the Portland and Vancouver areas nice and cool. Air conditioning is great, but it can also mean a much higher energy bill for those that use it. So what kinds of things can you do to help save on your energy bill as summer winds down?

There are actually several little things you can do that may not have ever crossed your mind before. For example, did you know that by having more food in your refrigerator it actually helps keep the cool air trapped inside every time you open door? So keep your fridge as full as you can. You can also save energy by unplugging your appliances when you’re not using them.

Another way to save money is to change your air conditioning filters regularly. By washing your clothes in cold water you’ll also keep costs down. Skipping the dryer and air-drying your clothes will also reduce energy spending. Another great way to help cut your energy costs is to get your air ducts cleaned. By cleaning out all the dirt, dust and debris from your air ducts the air will be able to flow more smoothly, which means your AC unit won’t have to work as hard. That means a lower energy bill.

So there you have it. Try these tips out and see the savings on your energy bill. If you need help finding a reputable air duct cleaning company in the Vancouver and Portland areas then click here.

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