Is Your Dryer Vent Properly Cleaned and Installed?

How many times have you pulled clothing out of your dryer on a cold day and enjoyed that warm, cozy feeling up against your body? Freshly dried clothes can be very nice, but what about when you pull them out and they are actually too hot to touch? That’s not so nice.

So what causes clothes to get so hot? There’s always a chance that you have left them in too long, which would easily explain why they are too hot to touch. However, if you’re running your dryer for normal lengths of time and they’re still coming out hot then there could be other things going on. Specifically, you could have a dirty or clogged dryer vent, which can be a dangerous situation.

There are some things you can do ensure that your dryer vent hose is ok. First, make sure that it is reaching all the way outside your home and that it’s not lying in any moisture. Next, examine your hose and make sure that it’s made of aluminum or galvanized steel and not plastic. Dust and lint can build up much easier in plastic hoses, which poses a higher risk for dryer vent fires.

Keep an eye on the vent hood to ensure that no birds or squirrels have built a nest in the area. Always clean your lint screen, as well, and of course, you can call a professional to get your dryer vent cleaned thoroughly and safely at least once a year. Click here to learn more about this important service.

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