How Often Should I Get My Dryer Vent Cleaned?

How Often Should I Get My Dryer Vent Cleaned?

Your dryer vent is many times one of the most often overlooked aspects of your home. It hides behind your washer and dryer and then typically runs underneath your home until it reaches a vent somewhere outside. Most people never give their dryer vent a second thought. However, that can be a dangerous move. Dryer vents get very dirty over time and they can get backed up with a lot of lint and other debris. If left unattended that debris can lead to a fire.

Meantime, when your dryer vent is dirty and clogged it can also keep your dryer from performing efficiently. The harder your dryer has to work the quicker its lifespan is spent. Therefore, it’s very important to get your dryer vent cleaned on a regular basis.

So what exactly is a regular basis? The safest bet is to get your dryer vent inspected once a year. It will likely need to be cleaned once a year as well. If you use your dryer more than the average household, or if you dry a lot of thick or heavy clothing items, like sweaters, blankets, big coats and other similar items, then you might need to have your dryer vent inspected more regularly.

In any case, if you get it checked at least once a year then you should be able to keep your vent safe from fire and your dryer running more efficiently. Click here for more information about dryer vent cleaning in the Portland and Vancouver areas.


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