How Long Does the Air Duct Cleaning Process Take?

If you’re ready to get your air ducts cleaned by a trusted and reliable air duct cleaning company then you likely have several questions. One of the most common questions regarding air duct cleaning is how long should I expect it to take to get my ducts cleaned, or some other variation of that question. While most people want things done quickly, you should be aware that air duct cleaning is a process and in order to get it done right, it will take several hours, at minimum.

In reality, there is no set time for air duct cleaning, other than you should expect it to take at least three to four hours for a small home and longer for larger homes or commercial and industrial buildings. Basically, the greater the square footage, and the more extensive the ductwork, the longer the job will take.

If a company ever offers to do the job in a couple hours or less then they are not really cleaning your ducts. They might do some surface cleaning, but that will be the extent of their work, which means your ducts will still be dirty and you won’t experience any real improvement in your home or office.

Other factors to keep in mind include how long has it been since the last time your air ducts were cleaned. The longer it’s been, the more buildup their will likely be and thus the cleaning will take longer. Also, if you have pets, it could take longer, whereas if you live in a condo or a townhome it could take less time. The bottom line is don’t expect it to be done in two hours if you want it to really be cleaned properly.

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