Apartment Owners Beware – Dryer Vent Fires Could Be Costly

Have you ever taken the time to look closely at your dryer vent? If you’re like most people, then you probably answered no to that question. However, the simple fact is you should pay closer attention to your dryer vent and you should always make sure that it is clean and clear of built up debris. Failing to do so could be costly, for any homeowner, including apartment building owners.

Your dryer vent carries all of the heat and moisture from your laundry as your unit dries your clothes. Most dryer vents connect from your dryer to a hose in the wall. That hose then usually runs under your house and out to a vent opening in your foundation. The problem is most people connect the hose between the dryer and the wall and then never give their dryer vent another thought.

That can be dangerous. A recent report in Ohio noted that in most apartment complexes no one is responsible to make sure that dryer vents are clean and safe. That means a serious fire hazard could be lurking in just about any building in Ohio, as well as anywhere else. Click here to read the entire story.

A small dryer vent fire can quickly escalate and cause serious injuries or death and costly damage, especially in a multi-unit complex. If you’re the owner of an apartment complex and you’ve never considered the dryer vents in your building, it’s probably time to get them inspected and most likely cleaned. You can contact a qualified and knowledgeable dryer vent cleaning company in Portland and Vancouver by clicking here.

Why Aren’t My Clothes Getting Dry?

There’s a good chance you have been using your washer and dryer more lately, and that’s because typically during this time of year people tend to wear more clothing and use more blankets. Plus, winter clothing is often bigger and thicker, which means it takes up more room in the washer and dryer. The problem with all that extra material is that lint tends to build up at a greater rate this time of year.

All that extra lint can be a real problem because it can build up in your dryer vent. Too much lint and built up debris can be real a fire hazard. One common symptom of a clogged dryer vent is wet clothing. If you are keeping your load size about the same and you are running the dryer for the normal amount of time, but your clothes are still coming out of the dryer wet, then you probably have a clogged vent.

A clogged vent can cost you money because it takes more time to dry your clothes. That means more energy spent, which means a higher bill. Plus, as we just mentioned, a clogged dryer vent could lead to a dryer vent fire. If you have noticed that your clothes are taking longer to dry, then you might want to get your dryer vent cleaned. Click here to learn more about dryer vent cleaning services.

Is Your Dryer Vent Properly Cleaned and Installed?

How many times have you pulled clothing out of your dryer on a cold day and enjoyed that warm, cozy feeling up against your body? Freshly dried clothes can be very nice, but what about when you pull them out and they are actually too hot to touch? That’s not so nice.

So what causes clothes to get so hot? There’s always a chance that you have left them in too long, which would easily explain why they are too hot to touch. However, if you’re running your dryer for normal lengths of time and they’re still coming out hot then there could be other things going on. Specifically, you could have a dirty or clogged dryer vent, which can be a dangerous situation.

There are some things you can do ensure that your dryer vent hose is ok. First, make sure that it is reaching all the way outside your home and that it’s not lying in any moisture. Next, examine your hose and make sure that it’s made of aluminum or galvanized steel and not plastic. Dust and lint can build up much easier in plastic hoses, which poses a higher risk for dryer vent fires.

Keep an eye on the vent hood to ensure that no birds or squirrels have built a nest in the area. Always clean your lint screen, as well, and of course, you can call a professional to get your dryer vent cleaned thoroughly and safely at least once a year. Click here to learn more about this important service.

Signs Your Dryer Vent Needs to Be Cleaned

As summer is winding down in the Portland/Vancouver area and we head towards the fall and winter months, there’s a good chance we’ll be starting to put our dryers through some heavy workloads. As people begin to bust out their sweaters, jackets, and blankets and flannel sheets, there is going to be more buildup than usual in our dryer vents.

A dirty dryer vent not only causes your dryer to work harder and therefore costs you more money, but it can also be a fire hazard. If it has been a while since your dryer vent was cleaned, then now might be a good time to get it done. If you’re not sure if your vent needs to be cleaned here are some signs to look for that may indicate it’s time to call in the professionals.

One sign that your dryer vent has too much lint built up is that it takes longer to dry your clothes than normal. Other signs to look for are lint buildup on the outside of your dryer or having very little or no lint on the lint screen. If your dryer suddenly stops in mid-cycle that is another sign that you need a dryer vent cleaning. One other common thing to look for is clothing that is very hot when you pull it out of the dryer.

If you’re ready to get your dryer vent cleaned, now might be a good time to contact a company that specializes in air duct cleaning and dryer vent cleaning. You can click here to learn more.

Are You Ready for Spring?

Waterfront Park Portland OR

Spring is almost here, which means the annual ritual of spring-cleaning is about to be getting underway. There are many aspects of spring-cleaning that are important, but one place you may not have thought about when you start preparing for the warmer weather is your air ducts. Getting your air ducts cleaned during the winter can save you time and possible problems in the spring.

In fact getting your dryer vent and air ducts cleaned will help the air flow in your home as the weather starts to change and pollen begins to fill the air. That pollen can build up, which means those who suffer from allergies may be more likely to suffer, even when they stay inside.

Cleaning your air ducts at least once a year allows the air to flow more freely in your home and it could help prevent those who live there from suffering from as many colds and allergy symptoms. It can also eliminate mold and mildew, as well as remove any undesirable odors.

So if you’re ready to start your spring-cleaning soon, then add a good air duct cleaning to your list of things that need to get done. But remember to contact professionals to make sure the job gets done right.

Is Your Home at Risk of a Dryer Vent Fire?

Clogged Dryer Vent

Winter is still not quite over, which means warm blankets, flannel sheets and bulky sweaters are still in full use in many parts of the country, including in the Vancouver/Portland area. That also means you’ll be putting your washer and dryer to use even more than usual. However, with all that extra washing and drying there’s a little known risk that comes with it.

All those warm, heavy clothes and blankets put an extra strain on your dryer vent, which means the risk of a dryer vent fire is much greater during this time of year. In fact, even if you take the time to regularly clean your lint trap, it may not be enough. That’s why setting up an appointment for a dryer vent cleaning by an experienced professional is so important.

When lint builds up over time in your dryer vent it can eventually ignite a fire, which could end up destroying your entire home. However, you can avoid this kind of tragedy simply by getting your dryer vent cleaned at least once a year. And with all those extra sweaters and blankets in your laundry, right now might be the best time to get those vents checked.

How Often Should Your Dryer Vent Be Cleaned?

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Although almost every homeowner in Vancouver and Portland owns a dryer, not everyone is up to date on his or her dryer vent cleaning. Most dryers connect to a vent in the wall that runs under your house to a small opening on the outside of your home. Dryer vents can often be overlooked, but a dirty dryer vent can be costly, in more ways than one.

Why it Matters

A clean dryer vent may not seem that important, but ignoring your dryer vent will cause it to become clogged with lint. Too much lint means your dryer will not run efficiently, which means more money out of your pocket in energy costs. In addition, a clogged dryer vent is a real fire hazard.

Once A Year

So how often should you get your dryer vent cleaned? Most people should have their dryer vent cleaned once a year. If you only use your dryer occasionally, then you may be able to go for 18 months in between cleanings. On the other hand, if you use your dryer for several loads a day, then you should probably get your vent cleaned more than once a year.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you haven’t had your dryer vent cleaned in the last year, then find a local dryer vent cleaner and schedule your dryer vent cleaning today.