Getting Your HVAC System Ready for the Cold

It’s that time again. Fall is here and winter is just around the corner, so have you taken the time to check your HVAC system? There’s no better time than the present to make sure your system is ready for the long cold winter ahead. There are several things you can do to get it in tiptop shape.

First off, give your HVAC s good once-over to make sure that it is sitting on its foundation properly. Also make sure that it is free of debris likes leaves or branches. Next up, check your filters. Some can be cleaned and others have to be replaced. Whichever kind your system uses make sure they are not clogged and working smoothly.

You should also test your thermostat to ensure it’s working properly so your system is not overworking. Your insulation should also be checked to ensure that the warm air is staying where you want it. It’s also a good time to clean your air vents and vacuum your furnace blower.

Lastly, make sure you get your air ducts cleaned. This will help ensure that your system doesn’t have to work harder than it should. When your ducts are clean and free of built up dust and debris the air is not only cleaner but your system runs much more efficiently. This will make a huge difference in your energy bill. For quality air duct cleaning in the Vancouver and Portland areas, click here.

Looking for More Productivity? Try Checking Your Air Quality

Every business wants to increase productivity in the office. After all, the more efficient and effective a company’s employees are, the better results the company will get. There are many ways to increase productivity and many of them have been tried and proven over the years. However, there are several other less-than-obvious ways to increase productivity.

To that end, would you believe that air quality can play a role in productivity? It might seem like there wouldn’t be a lot of correlation between the two, but in reality, according to a recent study from Harvard University, improving air quality also helps improve worker productivity. If you think about it, it really makes perfect sense. If the air you breathe is not really clean and you continue to breathe it day after day your health is going to be negatively affected.

If your health is negatively affected, then it stands to reason that your productivity is going to be negatively affected as well. So what should you do to improve the air quality of your office? You can start by going to the source, your air ducts. If your air ducts have not been cleaned for a while, or you’re not sure if they ever have been, then it’s time to call in an expert air duct cleaning company in the Vancouver/Portland area. Click here to learn more.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Your Air Ducts Sealed?

If you’re reading this then you’ve probably started to consider whether or not you should get your air ducts cleaned. Another service you might be interested in having is getting your air ducts sealed. If you have leaks or cracks in your ducts then chances are your ducts will be getting dirty more often and that dirt and dust will build up faster. When you get your air ducts cleaned make sure that the company you hire checks your ducts for leaks and if necessary seal any leaks they find.

There are several good reasons to get your air ducts sealed. For starters, when you get your ducts sealed you will likely find the air temperature in your home or office to be more comfortable. Not only do leaks allow dirty air inside, but also they allow clean air to escape, including hot air in the winter and cool air in the summer.

Sealing your ducts will improve your indoor air quality as well. Fumes, germs, pollen and other things that spread through the air will be shut out of entering through your ducts. This will help decrease asthma and allergy symptoms for those who live in or visit your home or business. You can also keep other harmful substances, like carbon monoxide, chemicals and other fumes from entering your home through your ducts.

Having your ducts sealed will also save you money because you won’t be losing any air from cracks and leaks, which means your HVAC system wont have to overwork. Lastly, you can help the environment by spending less energy because your ducts are properly sealed. Click here to contact a qualified air duct cleaning and sealing company in the Portland and Vancouver area.

Are Your Air Ducts Costing You Money This Fall and Winter?

The cold and wet season is now in full swing here in the great Pacific Northwest. That means your furnace is probably working overtime to help make sure you stay cozy and warm inside your home. There are a lot of steps to take when you are preparing your home for the cold, not the least of which is to get your furnace serviced. However, a big part of your furnace’s efficiency is determined by how well that warm air can move through your vents and reach every room in your home.

That means your air ducts need to be clean and clear from dust, dirt, debris and other pollutants that can pile up inside and block your airways. This is an often-overlooked aspect of preparing your home for the cold weather. Another key to keeping your duct system running smoothly is to make sure that is completely and properly sealed. You should check ductwork for holes or leaks and if you find any then make sure you or a company you trust repairs the holes and seals any leaks.

Winter weather can cause people to lose a lot of extra money if they don’t properly prepare. So take the time to winterize your home now before it’s too late. That includes getting your air ducts cleaned and sealed. If you need help with these tasks then click here to learn more about a company that can help.

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Commercial Air Duct Cleaning

While they may not think about them that much, most people are aware that their homes have air ducts and that those ducts are how the air from your heating and cooling units are spread throughout your home. So ask yourself, how often you think about the air ducts in your home? Then consider this question: How often do you think about the air ducts at work? Chances are the answer is never.

Just like homes, offices and other business locations have air ducts and those ducts are very important. The last thing you want to do is go to work every day and leave feeling sick because you’ve been breathing harmful, dust-filled air. Likewise, if you’re the owner of a business you can’t afford to have your employees constantly feeling ill from the air they are breathing while they’re at work.

As a business or building owner in Vancouver or Portland, you can’t overlook the importance of a clean work environment. If your employees aren’t breathing clean air, then you need to do something about it. You should start by getting your air ducts cleaned. This will help ensure that the air from you heating and cooling system will be pumping out clean air. If you need help finding an experienced and trusted commercial air duct cleaning company in the Portland or Vancouver area, then click here.

Top Air Duct Cleaning Tips

Have you noticed a lot more coughing, sneezing and runny noses lately? Sure allergy season is upon us, but what about when you’re inside; are you still having the same symptoms? Dealing with allergies is a real pain for anyone who has them, but when you don’t get a break from the symptoms even while you’re inside they can be especially hard to live with.

One of the problems people with allergies have, but that they are often unaware of, is the fact that they are living with dirty ducts. So what should you do if you are living with dirty air ducts? According to many experts, it’s a good idea to get your air ducts cleaned every three to five years. This can help cut down on the mold, mildew, dust and other debris that builds up in your air ducts.

Air ducts are easy to overlook but over time the filth can add up. So the first thing you should do if you don’t know the last time your ducts were cleaned is to contact an air duct cleaning company to have them checked out. If they do need to be cleaned, this service can make a big difference in your home and with your allergy symptoms.

After you’ve had you ducts cleaned, it’s a really good idea to clean or change your filters regularly. Another thing to keep your eye on are the registers and intake vents. Keeping these clean will also help. If you need a reputable air duct cleaning company to visit your Portland or Vancouver area home, then click here.

Get the Most Out of Your Air Conditioner

Is it really possible that summer is almost here? The kids will soon be out of school, the days are longer and the sun is out in full force. That also means that air conditioners will soon be running at full force as well. Air conditioners are indispensible when the summer heat hits and the thermometers begin to rise. Some of those hot summer nights would simply be unbearable without cool air being pumped into your home via your air conditioning unit.

The downside to all those air conditioners always blowing is that they use a lot of energy. That can mean a larger electric bill during the summer months. While it’s almost impossible to not see your bill go up at least a little during the summer, there are some measures you can take to keep your AC unit running more efficiently and keep your electric bill down.

You can start with a programmable thermostat, which can help you save as much as 10 percent a year for both your heating and your cooling. Using ceiling fans to circulate the cool air is also another way to use your AC unit a little less. Besides the AC unit, there are other measures to take that will make a big difference, including proper insulation and keeping your air ducts cleaned and sealed.

By keeping your air ducts clean and free of debris, the cool air from your AC unit is able to travel through your ducts and throughout your home more easily. This can help your system work less and save you money. If you haven’t had your air ducts cleaned in a few years, then you should contact an experienced air duct cleaning company in Vancouver and get them cleaned. With cleaner air ducts you will almost certainly notice a better running AC unit. Click here to learn more.

What Are the Benefits of Commercial Air Duct Cleaning in Portland/Vancouver?

Anyone who runs an office building, or any other type of work location, knows the importance of having a clean work place. Clutter and debris can be a safety risk and lead to injured employees or customers. One important aspect of a clean office or other work building is the ductwork. However, this aspect is often overlooked.

Your ductwork pushes all the hot and cold air from your HVAC system throughout your building. That means whatever dust and debris have built up inside your air ducts is going to be pushed through your vents and end up dispersed throughout your entire building. That does not make for a healthy environment for anyone.

Therefore, getting a commercial air duct cleaning done at your business location just makes good business sense. Some of the benefits include better health for your employees and customers, which also mean less employee sick leave and reduced health care costs. Those factors should mean more productivity and therefore increased profits.

If your business is in need of commercial air duct cleaning make sure you hire an experienced professional air duct cleaning company who has handled this kind of job before. Don’t leave it to just anyone. If you would like to learn more about commercial air duct cleaning and how it can benefit your Portland/Vancouver area business, then please click here.

Four Key Benefits of Sealing Your Ducts

We’ve mentioned before that your air ducts are the veins of the heating and cooling system in your home. When your air ducts are clean, the air is allowed to pass freely to all areas of your home without any kind of impediment. However, when your ducts are dirty the air will not travel as freely and it will also be dirty when it arrives to each room.

Therefore, getting your air ducts cleaned is important. Additionally, it’s also very important to make sure that your air ducts are properly sealed. There are many reasons for this. Properly and completely sealed air ducts can improve the comfort level in your home, while also improving its energy efficiency. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of sealed air ducts:

  • By sealing your air ducts, the air in your home should be able to help improve your comfort level because rooms should be evenly heated and cooled.
  • Having properly sealed air ducts should also improve the safety of your home because leaky ductwork can cause backdrafts, which could lead to fires in your ductwork from gases and vapors from water heaters or furnaces.
  • The indoor air quality will improve because dust, debris, mold and other contaminants will be shut out, which will make the air you breathe much cleaner.
  • Sealed air ducts will also help you save money because a more efficient and even airflow means less air escaping and being wasted.

As you can see there are several benefits of getting your ducts sealed. So, if you need your air ducts sealed, then contact a professional and experienced air duct cleaning company for help.

Preparing for The Cold That’s Certain to Be Coming

Are you ready for winter? Portland and Vancouver may not a get a lot of snow, but the Pacific Northwest is definitely home to some cold, wet and windy weather during the winter months. Preparing your home for the elements is important because it can save you a lot of money and it makes you a lot more cozy and comfortable in your home.

There are a lot of different steps you can take to winterize your home, including making sure your home stays warm. Obviously, checking to see that your insulation is up-to-date and sufficient is very important. However, ensuring that your airflow is fluent and unimpeded is just as important.

If the warm air is not getting to every room in your house and some rooms feel colder than others, then there is a chance that your ducts have some kind of blockage. Although there could be a large object creating the blockage, it’s more likely that your air ducts just need to be cleaned.

Dirt and other debris can build up in your ducts, which can impede sufficient airflow. Another thing that can lead to poor airflow are leaks. You can prevent this air loss by sealing your ducts at all the joints and anywhere else there might be leaks.

Having clean air ducts with no holes is a very important part of keeping your home cozy and warm during the winter. You can click here to learn more about these services in Portland and Vancouver.