Signs Your Dryer Vent Needs to Be Cleaned

As summer is winding down in the Portland/Vancouver area and we head towards the fall and winter months, there’s a good chance we’ll be starting to put our dryers through some heavy workloads. As people begin to bust out their sweaters, jackets, and blankets and flannel sheets, there is going to be more buildup than usual in our dryer vents.

A dirty dryer vent not only causes your dryer to work harder and therefore costs you more money, but it can also be a fire hazard. If it has been a while since your dryer vent was cleaned, then now might be a good time to get it done. If you’re not sure if your vent needs to be cleaned here are some signs to look for that may indicate it’s time to call in the professionals.

One sign that your dryer vent has too much lint built up is that it takes longer to dry your clothes than normal. Other signs to look for are lint buildup on the outside of your dryer or having very little or no lint on the lint screen. If your dryer suddenly stops in mid-cycle that is another sign that you need a dryer vent cleaning. One other common thing to look for is clothing that is very hot when you pull it out of the dryer.

If you’re ready to get your dryer vent cleaned, now might be a good time to contact a company that specializes in air duct cleaning and dryer vent cleaning. You can click here to learn more.

Is Air Duct Cleaning Really Worth It?

Imagine you’re sitting at home, relaxing on your couch and enjoying your favorite TV show or movie. Then, suddenly you start sneezing uncontrollably. Your eyes get itchy and red and your nose begins to get stuffy. It must be allergy season, right? Well, that is one possibility, but it might not actually be allergy season. So why are you blowing your nose every two minutes? It could be your air ducts.

Dust, pollen and allergens can build up over time in your air ducts, which means they can eventually start creeping into your Vancouver area home. So even though it might not be allergy season, before long, you could be sneezing, blowing and wiping as though it were the middle of May.

So what can you do to prevent this from happening? You guessed it; get your air ducts cleaned by an experienced and professional Portland/Vancouver area air duct cleaning company. Air duct cleaning is worth the investment. Many people notice an immediate difference in the air quality in their home after they’ve had their air ducts cleaned.

So if you want to be able to get back to relaxing on your couch and enjoying your favorite TV show without all the tissue, then contact a reputable air duct cleaning company in the Portland/Vancouver area and get your air ducts cleaned today. Yes, it’s worth it.

Want the Job Done Right? Use the Right Equipment

There are a lot of opinions about air duct cleaning. Some people don’t think it’s necessary, while others have the service done once a year. There are others who believe that getting your air ducts cleaned is a good idea but they think they can just stick a long vacuum hose in their ducts and do the job themselves. However, this will not really clean your air ducts.

First, getting your air ducts cleaned is important, and second, using the right equipment is essential. You cannot stick a vacuum hose in your ducts and expect them to be thoroughly cleaned. Most air duct cleaning companies use outdoor vented equipment. That helps ensure that all of the nasty debris they pull out of your ducts leaves your home.

By using the wrong equipment you could very well end up with the all the debris from your air ducts inside your living space. If you want to make sure your air duct cleaning in Vancouver goes well, then you need to make sure you choose a Vancouver air duct cleaning company that uses the right equipment.

Don’t settle for just any company, make sure you choose one who will do the job right the first time. Click here to learn more about quality air duct cleaning in Vancouver WA.

Help Keep Your Home Cool With Clean Air Ducts

The mercury is rising in the Northwest and many homes in the Portland and Vancouver area are starting to feel the heat. Those residents who are lucky enough to have air conditioning in their homes or places of business know how good it feels to escape the blistering heat outside by stepping into a cool, comfortable air conditioned room inside.

However, what happens when a normally comfortable home or place of business suddenly starts to lose its cool? Or, worse yet, what happens when you get your bill and notice that it is much higher than normal? There are several things that you can do to keep your air conditioner working properly so that it runs smoothly and does not cost you any more than it should.

One of those things might not be so obvious but it can make a big difference. Getting your air ducts cleaned and also making sure that they are sealed properly can make a huge difference in airflow. Proper airflow is vital to a smooth and efficient air conditioning unit.

So if you have an air conditioner, make sure your air ducts are clean and be sure to check for holes or separated joints in order to keep your cool air where you want it; inside your home or office.

Make Sure You’re Not Letting Cash Seep Through Your Air Ducts

Air duct cleaning is important for many reasons. It can help you keep your Portland, Beaverton or Vancouver area home cleaner from dust and mold, which could help fight off allergy symptoms. It can also help your HVAC system run more efficiently, which can help you save money in heating and energy costs.

There is, however, another aspect to duct work maintenance that is just as important. If your air ducts aren’t properly sealed then you could be losing a lot of extra money by losing all that extra air.

So how do you get holes in your air ducts, anyways? Sometimes builders can accidently puncture your ducts during installation. Other times, plumbers, electricians or other contractors can damage your ductwork while working on your home. In any case, however the damage occurs, it needs to be fixed.

They can be fixed by using several different kinds of materials, including spray foam and caulking, which is fire resistant. You could try to identify and patch these leaks yourself, but by calling an experienced professional air duct cleaning company, you can ensure you will get the job done right.

If your airflow doesn’t seem to be up to par, then you might have a leak. If that’s the case, then you should contact an air duct cleaning service as soon as you can.


Quality Air Duct Cleaning With Video Proof

Whether it’s a newly remodeled home, or someone who has transformed him or herself with some kind of physical makeover, everyone likes to see amazing stories of “before and after.” In fact, it doesn’t really matter what the subject is, when you can see the actual results of a big change, it’s always great proof that the steps taken were worth it, and that they achieved the desired results.

The same is true for air duct cleaning. All air duct-cleaning companies will claim to clean your ductwork professionally and thoroughly. But how do you know if they are really doing the job right? It’s not like you can just climb into your air ducts and see for yourself. The only way to truly know if your ducts have been properly cleaned is by using photo and/or video inspection equipment.

Your Vancouver, Portland, or Beaverton area air duct cleaning company should be able to produce images that prove their cleaning has a made difference. By providing you with pictures and/or video of both before and after their work, you can know if you are really getting what you have paid for

So don’t be fooled by just any air duct cleaning company. Make sure they can back up their work with video evidence.

How Often Should You Get an Air Duct Cleaning?

Have you taken a look at your air ducts lately? Probably not, if you’re like most people. But what you don’t see can hurt you. Our air ducts are kind of like the veins of our house. The warm and cold air that so effortlessly passes from room to keep us either warm or cool has to travel through our ducts. So what happens when you get a clog in your ducts?

Just like a clog in your veins slows your blood, a clog in your ducts means the air can no longer flow as easily. Plus, the air that is moving through will be carrying parts of that clog with it. That means your air is not as clean as it should be and it’s not flowing as well as you need it. So how do you fix it? Get your air ducts cleaned.

Most people in Portland and Beaverton don’t give their air ducts a second thought, until there’s a problem. However, by putting your duct cleaning on a yearly schedule you probably won’t end up having those kinds of problems. Of course, there are many factors that play a role in how often you should get an air duct cleaning. Some questions to consider are:

  • How often do you use your ducts?
  • How much carpet is in your home?
  • Do people in your home have allergies?
  • Are there any pets in your home?
  • Do you live in a rural or urban area?
  • How often do you have the fire going?

Some people in Vancouver don’t need their ducts cleaned as often, but as a general rule, if you get your ducts cleaned once a year, your airflow will be efficient and your dust and pollen count will be lower. That’s good news for you.

What Does Integrity Mean to You?

Integrity is a popular word in the business world. In fact, just about any kind of company can throw the word integrity around as part of its marketing and promotional efforts. However, claiming to possess integrity and really having integrity are two completely different things.

In the world of air duct cleaning in Portland Oregon, the word integrity is important. Any air duct cleaning business can claim to have integrity, but not all of them do. When you’re looking for an air duct cleaning company you can trust, you need to make sure that the company in question has integrity. You can start by searching reviews of the company. Previous customers are a great resource to evaluate a company’s level of integrity.

Another way to determine if your Vancouver WA air duct cleaning company really keeps its promises is to look at its pricing practices. If a company offers a service at one price, but often charges extra fees when the service is done, it’s obviously not very credible. On the other hand, if a company in Beaverton Oregon gives you an up-front price with no hidden fees, and then sticks to that price, then that sounds like a company you can trust.

Don’t leave your duct cleaning to a company with questionable practices. Instead find one that truly values the word integrity and what it stands for.

Sanitize to the Microbial Level

Are you one of those people who really like to keep things clean? Do you shampoo your carpet regularly and dust your home every day? Although not everyone cleans to that level, most people in Beaverton Oregon do prefer to have things as clean as they can. So what about your air ducts? Should they be cleaned to the maximum level possible, too? The answer is yes.

Dust and pollen, and even mildew and mold, can build up in your air ducts, leaving them very dingy and dirty. When you’re air ducts get dirty the likelihood that you or members of your family will suffer from cold and allergy symptoms goes up. If you want to avoid that kind of dirt, and the harmful affects that come with it, then you need to get your air ducts cleaned to the microbial level.

Adding an anti-microbial sanitation to your duct cleaning service is a good idea to really get your ducts clean. Antimicrobial solution is applied to your air ducts to kill bacteria like mold and mildew. It will also help prevent it from coming back in the future.

If you need your air ducts cleaned in Beaverton Oregon then contact a professional duct cleaning company and consider adding an anti-microbial sanitation to your service.