This Tip Could Help Prevent You From Being Scammed

Scammers are everywhere and they will stop at nothing to trick you into giving them your money. These people are thieves and they don’t care who they hurt with their scams. Whether it’s people posing as the IRS to steal your tax refund and your identity, or a shady contractor that takes your money without completing the work, they are all out to get something for nothing.

Unfortunately, there are several phony air duct-cleaning companies as well. These companies will do everything they can to cheat you out of your heard earned money. One of their biggest tricks is to send you a coupon in the mail, which offers air duct cleaning at a bargain price. The problem is when they come to your home they invent other problems and you end up with a bill over $2,000 instead of $99.

So what can you do to protect yourself from a scam? Number one, never believe any of those coupons that offer cut-rate air duct cleaning. A good air duct cleaning from a reputable company will be at least several hundred dollars, and if your home is larger it will be more. Therefore, if it sounds to good to be true it is. One more thing to keep in mind, if the company shows up and tells you that you have a mold problem and then tries to jack up the price it is also running a scam.

Don’t be the victim of a scam. Click here for an air duct cleaning company with integrity that you can trust in the Vancouver and Portland area.

Another Air Duct Cleaning Scam Reported

Here at Super Duct Cleaning, we take the time to regularly remind our readers about air duct cleaning scams. There are several quality air duct cleaning companies that have integrity and do honest work. However, unfortunately, there are also several other companies that are only trying to scam people. These companies have no intention of doing any real work; they are just looking to take good people’s money.

For example, in May of this year in Washington D.C., a dirty duct cleaning company was uncovered after they were found to be offering a duct cleaning coupon for $89. A resident there tried to use the coupon but when the technician showed up he told the customer that she had a very bad mold problem and then tried to charge her more than a thousand dollars to do the work.

The first clue that this was a scam was the coupon for $89. There is no way that you can get a real air duct cleaning for only $89. Any time a coupon sounds too good to be true it probably is. This is one of the most common scams that shady air duct cleaning companies use. They promise a cut rate, but then jack up the price once they arrive at your house. They claim to find a bunch of problems that probably don’t exist and then charge you for work that they don’t intend to do.

Don’t fall for one of these scams. Instead, contact a trusted and reliable air duct cleaning company in the Vancouver and Portland area.

Don’t Be the Victim of an Air Duct Cleaning Scam

As the world gets more and more advanced the opportunity for scams continues to grow. However, no matter what industry you’re talking about, the opportunity for scams is possible. From identity theft to shady service companies and contractors, unfortunately, there are always people who are out to scam honest home and business owners in Portland and Vancouver.

One industry that suffers a lot of bad publicity due to scammers is the air duct cleaning industry. While there are several honest and hard working air duct cleaning companies, unfortunately there are many such companies that are only out to rip people off. So how do you protect yourself from scammers?

First of all, remember the old adage: if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Any air duct cleaning company that promotes a special $99 service (or even cheaper) is likely going to scam you. In order to effectively get your air ducts cleaned you should expect to be charged at least $200, but likely more. $99 might sound like a good deal, but remember you get what you pay for. Other companies quote a cut-rate price only to jack it up after making up several additional services that don’t really need to be performed.

Don’t be fooled by a shady air duct cleaning company. Instead, contact an honest air duct cleaning company in the Vancouver and Portland areas for quality air duct cleaning you can trust.

Busted! Air Duct Cleaning Company Nailed for Targeting the Elderly

Although there are many reputable companies that offer dozens of necessary services throughout the country, including here in the Portland and Vancouver area, unfortunately there are also other companies or individuals that will do anything for a buck. That includes ripping good people off. Anyone can be the victim of a scam, but in so many cases, scammers make the elderly their primary prey.

It’s unfortunate that so many people are willing to trick the elderly out of their money by offering bogus services, such as false air duct cleaning. That’s not to say that air duct cleaning is bogus; but many self-proclaimed air duct-cleaning companies are nothing more than a front for a few individuals to steal money from senior citizens. These scammers often get way with their dirty deeds, but not always.

Recently, a purported air duct cleaning company that was targeting the elderly was caught by authorities and arrested for their air duct cleaning scam. After visiting many home and tricking several elderly people out of their hard-earned money with bogus claims and false work invoices, authorities have put a stop to their scamming efforts.

This is just one more example of a phony air duct cleaning company giving the overall general business of air duct cleaning a bad name. Fortunately, there are real air duct cleaning companies that are reputable and that really do what they say. You can click here to contact an honest air duct cleaning company that will never try to scam you.

Don’t Fall for these Air Duct Cleaning Scams

Dirty air ducts are a problem and if you’re experiencing the negative effects of unclean air blowing throughout your home then you need to get your air ducts cleaned as soon as you can. No one wants to breathe dirty air every day. The problem is many people don’t know whom to contact when they need to get their air ducts cleaned. This can lead to going with a company that is only out to scam you. So what should you be looking for in order to avoid one of these dirty duct cleaners?

There are several reputable duct-cleaning companies that you can contact in the Portland and Vancouver areas, but there are some others that don’t have your best interest in mind. These are some of the big red flags to look for when you are considering an air duct cleaning company. Here are some of the telltale signs you are being scammed:

  • Extremely low price or special sale price
  • Automatically try to sell you more services because of supposed danger
  • They only take and hour or two to do the job
  • Scare you by telling you that you have mold and that you need to leave
  • Over-anxious to do the work immediately
  • Don’t have and references or credentials

If you experience any of these signs then you should stop working with the company and look for a different business to clean your air ducts. Don’t get scammed by someone trying to make a quick buck. Choose a reliable and honest air duct cleaning company.

Don’t Be Fooled By Phony Air Duct Cleaning Services

Have you ever been to an upscale restaurant and order the best meal available? Chances are you didn’t get a corn dog and fries when the waiter served you you’re food. In other words, you got you paid for. Have you ever seen a car dealer offer a car for an incredibly low price but when you get there the salesman tries to convince you to buy a much more expensive car instead? Companies use a lot of tactics to squeeze more money from customers and many of those tactics are nothing but a scam. That is often the case with air duct cleaning companies.

There are many reputable air duct-cleaning companies, but unfortunately there are also several others that are only out to scam you. In fact, some of them don’t even clean your air ducts. Instead, they arrive to your home and claim to do a bunch of work you didn’t ask for then you get a bill that is much larger than you were originally told.

Some of the worst offenders are the companies that advertise air duct cleaning for a special blowout price of $99, or even $49 or $35. It doesn’t matter which number they choose. No reputable air duct cleaning company will promise to clean your ducts for a rock bottom price. Instead, you should expect pay a few hundred dollars or more, depending on the size of the job.

The companies that offer these so-called special deals are really only trying to steal your money by charging you for services you don’t need, and that many times they don’t even actually perform. Stay away form these scams. Instead, contact a trusted air duct cleaning company in the Vancouver and Portland area. Click here to contact a trusted air duct cleaning company.

How to Find a Good Air Duct Cleaner

There are many opinions regarding air duct cleaning. Some people swear that it is the best thing they’ve ever done for cleaner air in their home, while others claim it makes no difference. While opinions differ about the exact benefits of air duct cleaning, most people in Portland and Vancouver do agree that it is a good idea to get them professionally cleaned at least every few years.

Because a lot of people have never had their ducts cleaned before they aren’t sure where to turn when they are ready to have the service done. So how do you find the right air duct cleaning company in Vancouver and Portland? There are actually several measures you can take to find a good air duct cleaning company.

The first thing you need to do is research any company you are considering for cleaning your ducts. Make sure they are a legitimate air duct cleaning company and not someone looking to scam you. Likewise, some HVAC companies will claim they do duct cleaning, but they really don’t have the specific tools and expertise necessary for the job.

You should also check for references from previous clients or other related companies in the area. Online reviews from previous customers are a great resource to check a company’s reputation. Lastly, stay away from any company that offers an outrageously low special price. Those are just scams that will cost you way more in the end than a reputable company. Please click here to learn more about air duct cleaning in the Vancouver and Portland areas.

What Does a $35 Duct Cleaning Really Get You?

The old saying goes: “you get what you pay for” in most cases in life that is completely true. While it’s always nice to save a few dollars, especially on services to your home or car, the fact is, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. The same is true for air duct cleaning. If you choose to go with a cut-rate price, then you are going to get a cut-rate job. In fact, in many cases, when you sign up for the $35 or $99 special, you’re bill is going to end up a lot higher than that when the service is done.

Don’t be fooled by those so-called special deals that claim to be less than $100. They are just scams and the final bill will always be higher. The $35 fee is merely a way to get the shady company in the door. Once inside, companies that advertise these deals start looking for ways to charge you more money. Most of the time, they find things that don’t really need to be done, or they claim to have performed services that they really didn’t do.

You should stay away from any duct cleaning service that offers one of these $35 or $99 specials. They simply aren’t valid. If you need help finding a qualified and experienced air duct cleaning company in the Portland and Vancouver area, then click here to learn more.

Top Air Duct Cleaning Tips

Have you noticed a lot more coughing, sneezing and runny noses lately? Sure allergy season is upon us, but what about when you’re inside; are you still having the same symptoms? Dealing with allergies is a real pain for anyone who has them, but when you don’t get a break from the symptoms even while you’re inside they can be especially hard to live with.

One of the problems people with allergies have, but that they are often unaware of, is the fact that they are living with dirty ducts. So what should you do if you are living with dirty air ducts? According to many experts, it’s a good idea to get your air ducts cleaned every three to five years. This can help cut down on the mold, mildew, dust and other debris that builds up in your air ducts.

Air ducts are easy to overlook but over time the filth can add up. So the first thing you should do if you don’t know the last time your ducts were cleaned is to contact an air duct cleaning company to have them checked out. If they do need to be cleaned, this service can make a big difference in your home and with your allergy symptoms.

After you’ve had you ducts cleaned, it’s a really good idea to clean or change your filters regularly. Another thing to keep your eye on are the registers and intake vents. Keeping these clean will also help. If you need a reputable air duct cleaning company to visit your Portland or Vancouver area home, then click here.

Stick With Up Front Pricing and Avoid Hidden Fees

With any kid of service you have done in your home you want to be sure that you don’t get tricked into paying more than what you expect. Many companies offer free estimates for their services but they don’t always tell you exactly what’s included in those fees. So in other words, even though companies give you what sounds like a great deal in the beginning, they end up charging more in the end.

If you’re looking to have your air ducts cleaned or sealed, or your dryer vent cleaned then you need contact an air duct cleaning company you can trust. Any Portland or Vancouver area air duct cleaning company that can offer up front pricing and that won’t change the price when the final bill comes is a company you can trust. While many air duct cleaning companies charge by the hour, the most reliable way for you to ensure that your up front price is your final price, is to go with a company that charges by the square foot.

By using this method, there will be no hidden fees. As long as you give the company the accurate square footage of your home you will know what your final cost is going to be before the company ever shows up at your door. That way, even if the job takes longer than the company expected, it still won’t cost you any more. If that’s the kind of free estimate that sounds appealing to you, then click here to learn more.