Top Questions to Ask Your Air Duct Cleaning Company

If you are looking for a professional and trusted air duct cleaning company in the Portland/Vancouver area there are several things you can do to make sure you find the right one. Or rather, there are several questions you should ask in order to find the right one. Unfortunately, there are dirty duct cleaners out there that are trying to rip you off. However, you can protect yourself by asking some of the following questions.

First off, ask the company you are considering how long it has been in business and whether or not it has a certificate of good standing from the state. Do you offer other services, or do you focus solely on indoor air quality and air duct cleaning is another valuable question. You should also ask how they will show you that your ducts are clean? They should be able to provide some kind of video or photographic proof, or even show you the actual debris they have extracted from your air ducts.

Another good question to ask is what exactly will be included in the cleaning and you could even ask them to walk you through the entire process. Ask them how long the job will take and what measures they will take to protect your furniture and other belongings in the home. Always ask about pricing up front. Make sure you get a quote, determine what that number is based on and ask if they have any hidden fees.

The bottom line is to ask a lot of questions and get as much information as you can. This will help ensure that the air duct cleaning company you choose will get the job done right and that you will get the service you pay for.

Top Reasons to Clean Your Air Ducts Now

Are you thinking about getting your air ducts cleaned? Chances are if you’re reading this then the answer is yes. It’s always a good idea to get as much information about something before you decide to take the plunge. This site is a good source of information about air duct cleaning and dryer vent cleaning. As with most things there are two sides to every story. There are some people that believe getting your ducts cleaned is a waste of time and money, while there are many others who will tell you that the service has been extremely helpful.

While some might not see the value of getting their air ducts cleaned, we can assure you that air duct cleaning has many benefits. While there are several good reasons and benefits of air duct cleaning, the two main reasons people get their ducts cleaned are improved indoor air quality and increased energy savings.

Improved indoor air quality is a great benefit of air duct cleaning. People with allergies really appreciate the difference when their ducts are cleaned. Less dust and debris in your air ducts means less in the air you breathe. Many people who have had their ducts cleaned report fewer allergy symptoms and better overall health.

The other main benefit that people report from getting their air ducts cleaned is improved efficiency for their HVAC system. When air ducts are dirty, heating and cooling systems have to work harder. That means they use more energy and your energy bill goes up. When you get your air ducts cleaned your system works better and your energy bill goes down.

If these sound like good benefits to you, then you maybe now is the time to get your air ducts cleaned. If so, then click here to contact an experienced air duct cleaning company in the Portland/Vancouver area.

Time to Consider Commercial Air Duct Cleaning?

Many people have already learned the benefits of having their air ducts cleaned in their homes. People enjoy the cleaner air, a more efficient HVAC system, lower energy bills and less dust. There are a lot of reason to get the air ducts in your home cleaned. So what about the air ducts at commercial sites? Do they need to be cleaned as well? The answer is yes. If you can enjoy these benefits at home, then you will be able to enjoy them at commercial location as well.

If you have noticed a decrease in employee productivity, or the number of people calling in sick at your commercial location is going up, then it might be time to get your air ducts cleaned. Air duct problems can be a big headache at any business, which is why it’s important to have them checked and, if necessary, cleaned. An experienced and reputable air duct cleaning company can ensure that your ducts are clean and that your employees are breathing the cleanest air possible.

This valuable service is worth every penny, as you will likely see productivity improve and the amount of sick time being used go down. Happy workers are productive workers, so make sure you keep the air your employees happy by giving them clean and clear air to breathe. Contact a professional air duct cleaning company to schedule your commercial air duct cleaning today.

Getting Your HVAC System Ready for the Cold

It’s that time again. Fall is here and winter is just around the corner, so have you taken the time to check your HVAC system? There’s no better time than the present to make sure your system is ready for the long cold winter ahead. There are several things you can do to get it in tiptop shape.

First off, give your HVAC s good once-over to make sure that it is sitting on its foundation properly. Also make sure that it is free of debris likes leaves or branches. Next up, check your filters. Some can be cleaned and others have to be replaced. Whichever kind your system uses make sure they are not clogged and working smoothly.

You should also test your thermostat to ensure it’s working properly so your system is not overworking. Your insulation should also be checked to ensure that the warm air is staying where you want it. It’s also a good time to clean your air vents and vacuum your furnace blower.

Lastly, make sure you get your air ducts cleaned. This will help ensure that your system doesn’t have to work harder than it should. When your ducts are clean and free of built up dust and debris the air is not only cleaner but your system runs much more efficiently. This will make a huge difference in your energy bill. For quality air duct cleaning in the Vancouver and Portland areas, click here.

This Tip Could Help Prevent You From Being Scammed

Scammers are everywhere and they will stop at nothing to trick you into giving them your money. These people are thieves and they don’t care who they hurt with their scams. Whether it’s people posing as the IRS to steal your tax refund and your identity, or a shady contractor that takes your money without completing the work, they are all out to get something for nothing.

Unfortunately, there are several phony air duct-cleaning companies as well. These companies will do everything they can to cheat you out of your heard earned money. One of their biggest tricks is to send you a coupon in the mail, which offers air duct cleaning at a bargain price. The problem is when they come to your home they invent other problems and you end up with a bill over $2,000 instead of $99.

So what can you do to protect yourself from a scam? Number one, never believe any of those coupons that offer cut-rate air duct cleaning. A good air duct cleaning from a reputable company will be at least several hundred dollars, and if your home is larger it will be more. Therefore, if it sounds to good to be true it is. One more thing to keep in mind, if the company shows up and tells you that you have a mold problem and then tries to jack up the price it is also running a scam.

Don’t be the victim of a scam. Click here for an air duct cleaning company with integrity that you can trust in the Vancouver and Portland area.

Why Should You Contact a Professional When it Comes to Air Duct Cleaning?

There are a lot of facts and myths about air duct cleaning and these various pieces of information get tossed around by all kinds of people. Air duct cleaning is a legitimate service you should consider having it done, but some people believe that they can clean their own air ducts and that it would just be a waste of money to have an air duct cleaning company do it for them. This is simply not the case. If you want your air ducts cleaned the right way then you need to call in the professionals.

You can’t just stick a vacuum hose into your vents and clean your ducts. Your ducts span throughout your home and you need to make sure they are all clean. A regular vacuum will only reach a few feet, leaving the rest of your ductwork a mess.

Other people believe they can contact any HVAC company in the phone book to get their ducts cleaned. It’s true that some HVAC companies advertise duct cleaning as one of their services, but not all of these companies are really qualified to clean your ducts. Likewise, they might not have the proper equipment to get the job done right.

As with any service, you want to be sure you are getting what you pay for, which is why it’s best to contact a trusted and knowledgeable professional air duct cleaning company. If you want to learn more about air duct cleaning in the Vancouver and Portland area then click here.

Couldn’t I Just Clean My Air Ducts Myself?

People everywhere love to do things themselves. It’s more and more common for people to try to perform services on their own rather than calling in a professional service company. It’s a good way to save money, plus you get the satisfaction of completing the job yourself. However, while its great to save money and do things on your own, there are some projects that are simply best left to the professionals. For example, trying to repair your own HVAC system is usually not a good idea.

Likewise, cleaning your air ducts without the right tools is also a bad idea. A lot of people figure that cleaning ductwork is simple. You might think that all you need is a long vacuum hose in order to clean out the dust and debris inside your air ducts. However, your air ducts span throughout your home and it’s impossible to reach every twist and turn with a vacuum. Plus, a vacuum won’t clean your ducts properly, anyways. You need negative air pressure in order to properly remove the dirt from inside your ducts and keep it from spreading into your home.

That means you have to have a properly trained and experienced air duct cleaning company do the work for you. If you want your air ducts cleaned right, then it makes sense to call the experts. This is one project that is best not to do on your own. Click here to contact an experienced and expert air duct cleaning company in the Portland and Vancouver areas.

What Questions Should You Ask Your Air Duct Cleaning Company?

Are you looking for an honest and experienced company to clean your air ducts in the Portland and Vancouver areas? You could contact an HVAC company to clean your air ducts or one of the many companies that claims to clean air ducts, but how do you know you will really get the service you are paying for? No two air duct cleaning companies are exactly the same, so you need to make sure you ask some questions in order to ensure that the company you hire knows what it’s doing.

One of the most important questions to ask is how will the company actually clean your ducts? That means a professional and experienced air duct cleaning company should follow proper procedures and clean both the supply and return air ducts. The company should also clean all registers and grills and seal the access panel and use the proper equipment for cleaning.

You should also ask the company you are considering for your air duct cleaning to tell you about the technicians that will be coming to your home or office to do the work. Make sure they are licensed, insured and bonded, as well as professionally trained and experienced.

Last, but not least, ask your air duct cleaning company to let you know what price you can expect to pay before they start the job. You should expect to pay at least a couple hundred dollars for quality service. If the company promises a cut-rate price they are almost certainly running a scam. Don’t go for the low-ball price because in the end you’ll get burned.

If you need your air ducts cleaned, then click here to contact a professional air duct cleaning company in the Portland and Vancouver areas.

How Do My Air Ducts get Dirty?

Your air ducts are the air passageways inside your home. All of the air that comes from your furnace and your air conditioner and travels to the various rooms inside your home passes through your air ducts. Many people think that because their air ducts are hidden inside your home that they aren’t exposed to a lot of dirt and debris. However, your air ducts can be one of the dirtiest places in your home. So just how do your air ducts get dirty?

Despite our best efforts, our homes still get dirty. Dirt and dust tend to build up no matter how hard we try to keep them away. Plus, our inside air, use to be outside air at some point so that air is full of contaminants. Dust, pollen, mold spores and many other contaminants live in the air we breathe every day. All of those things enter into our homes and eventually into our air ducts.

Dust is everywhere, so everything you bring into your home can add dust and other dirty things to your air ducts. In addition, these things can get inside your air ducts through holes, cracks or leaks in your air ductwork. Any kind of opening can be the entry point of contaminants. Every time you kick up dust in your home it will likely end up in your ductwork. Over time that dust, debris and other junk builds up and your ducts eventually get clogged with all those contaminants. They are spread throughout your home every time air passes through your ducts.

That’s why it’s important to get your air ducts cleaned on a regular basis. You can find a trusted Portland and Vancouver air duct cleaning company by clicking here.

Start Your Year Right With Cleaner Air Ducts

Can you believe that 2015 is already over? That’s right another year has come and gone and as soon as that big crystal ball drops tonight we’ll officially ring in another New Year. Where did that time go? One thing is certain time never stops. That means things that need to get done every few years can creep up on us when we least expect it. So what needs to be done around your home at the beginning of this New Year?

If you are like a lot of other people, then chances are your air ducts haven’t been cleaned in a while. The funny thing about time is that it often passes without us even noticing. The same can be said for our air ducts. We hardly ever notice them. Even if you get your air ducts cleaned regularly, do you know how long it’s been since the last time you had them cleaned?

If you’re not sure, then now is a great time to take a look and get them cleaned. What better way to start your New Year than with cleaner air in your Portland or Vancouver home? Not only will you enjoy the benefits of having cleaner air but you will also save some money on your energy bill. Plus, the first of the year is a great time to get your ducts cleaned because it will likely make it easier to remember the last time you did it, when another three years fly by.

Just click here if you are looking for an air duct cleaning company in Vancouver or Portland that you can trust to clean your air ducts right.